HOBBY – Turn GW Kits Into 40k Fortress Terrain!

By Michel Beaulieu | August 25th, 2015 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k

turret 16inch battleship

Ever needed a HUGE base for an Apocalypse or Big game and come up empty handed? Checkout a cool idea for a 40k Fortress!

Hi All,  Last blog, we have talked about rules to play a large scale scenario about the siege of a fortress. Today, Here’s my primed fortress. I chose to have it opened from the back. Makes it easier to place and move models.

It’s about 6 feet wide and holds 2 emplacements. One lower to the ground and one on top. The 2 towers are a bit wider on the top to accommodate a gun turret. The main parts are from the 40k bastion model and the gate from various pieces.

The base emplacement is MDF and the back floors are plasticard. A little round stick to hold the floors and voila. One big fat fortress “somewhat” cheap money wise. I will post once the full paint job is done somewhere in a few weeks.

So, will you be trying a Siege scenario?

About the Author: Michel Beaulieu

born in 1969. Programmer/analyst for an engineering company. Been playing wargames for over 17 years. Founder of Wargaming Saguenay (french based community).