Should Forge World Hire the Guy That Made THIS?

not stormbird

Don’t look now but this is NOT a Forge World Model. This is a real model – a 3D scratch built Stormbird for a university project that is simply AMAZING!

Olly Wind render this up Stormbird from scratch in 3D and then brought it to life for his University of Hertfordshire project.

Add in a little professional photo shoot by Sally Parkinson Photography, and you have a masterpiece that may just be worthy of Forge World itself!

Checkout the project pictures below from Olly’s Facebook:

13062390_1049572325135364_4174298055156787784_n 12938084_1037581183001145_2207589841078515875_n 1505574_1021827671243163_4222806138611441481_n

Now Compare Olly’s To Forge World’s:


Olly’s Design

sokar stormbird

Forge World’s

Well it’s not exact, but man oh man I think we can all agree that this lad’s got talent! I wonder if Forge World’s hiring???

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad. I blame LEGOs. There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all... Twitter @catdaddymbg